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Mark is at the center of a scholarly debate about the nature of the Gospels and their relationship to one another. The history of Markan scholarship offers a privileged overview of basic issues in the study of the Gospels as a whole. Studying the gospel of Mark this way also provides an orientation to introductory questions of authorship, provenance, and purpose. This commentary provides deep...

Riots during Passover Josephus described instances when Passover celebrations led to riots. “When the festival called Passover was at hand, at which it is our custom to serve unleavened bread, a large multitude from all quarters assembled for it. Cumanus, fearing that their presence might afford occasion for an uprising, ordered one company of soldiers to take up arms and stand guard on the porticoes of the temple so as to quell any uprising that might occur.” (Josephus, Ant. 20.106; LCL 9:447;
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